
Thursday, 14 November 2013

Zbrush 3ds max

Plenty of room for improvement but I think I've got the hang of the main techniques I know I want from Zbrush and explored the pipelines between ZB and 3ds Max which I already use.
So after using the zsheres to create a character base mesh and then learning a bit of sculpting, dynamesh and zremesher  I had a mesh I could rig and animate. 
After doing this in Max I wanted to know If it was possible to pull everything back together at this point. So....
I pelt mapped my already rigged and animated character in Max, goz'd to ZB, copied and pasted it's pelted uv's onto my now further sculpted 'tool', polypainted, exported texture and normal map then put that back on my already rigged character in Max.

Sunday, 27 October 2013


I decided to learn Zbrush. After a brief encounter some years ago. I finally took the plunge and am so glad I did. now kicking myself, for not getting into it earlier, but enjoying every moment. Soft body modelling real fast and a ton of other stuff that is right up my street.The first two days were clunky and painful, but the rest of the week things started making more sense, until by the end of the week I felt a bit more comfortable with Zbrush's, some might say, 'unusual' way.

Here are some of the things I have made during my learning path. They will need a lot more work to finish them.This was my first Zbrush creation made with the Zspheres system, I then went on to look at the sculpture tools. I chose muscle man here so I could learn some still life at the same time.

I now have this chap running around in 3dsMax after GoZ'ing the model from Zbrush, making some bones and applying a skin modifier and adjusting the envelopes. 

This model I started making in 123dsculpt. after importing and tidying up in Zbrush, I continued sculpting and have started learning poly paint amongst other things.

And of course, had a go at sculpting some hard objects.


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Random stuff between jobs

Some stuff I did a while back.

Somethings i've been working on recently

The bee is work in progress and is linked to some work, i'm gonna throw it in as a free bee as i've been using it as a way of learning/understanding CAT animation system, eventually he will have textures and hair/fur etc.

Just some of the stuff I have been doing between other jobs and projects.